A wonderful afternoon playing at our treasured local beach dressed in vintage shell trinkets from the amazing Trinkit Hunter, mermaid jewels from my fave Penny for your Thoughts, and Eterie daisy chains. Such a carefree day exploring the beach, gazing out to the horizon in the hopes of glimpsing a dolphin or two, and working some mermaid spells fulfilling my childhood fantasies of becoming a real life mermaid ;)
Spend your days dreaming, conjuring, creating magic….immerse yourself in all that you love, all that inspires, all that brings happiness and joy to your heart. This is the essence of life and become a point of attraction for creating even more bliss and wonder to your days.
It’s been plentiful love vibes here in the Janneson Bense abode, with V day a couple of weeks ago, and last weekend’s anniversary celebrations. My amazing husband took me on a wine cruise along the swan river to commemorate our 6 divine years of marriage. And it was incredible! The thoughtfulness, the romance, the wine, the food, meeting so many wonderful people, creating new connections, the luxury of cruising along the river in the sunshine, being thoroughly entertained by the hosts and captain of Captain Cook Cruises. They both actually sang us songs on our return trip and they were amazing!
I wanted to wear something really special on this day. My handmade Loveleigh lace dress was absolutely perfect for the occasion. One of a kind, consciously created with love.
I kept my jewels simple and gold with Anna Beck, Torchlight Jewelry and Heather Gardner. While we played at the wineries I wore my Flower Gypsies flower crown, remembering back to the magical flower arrangements at our wedding. As evening set in and we returned to the dock, we strolled along the river, reminiscing on that beautiful moment when we became husband and wife. The sun was setting and it was the perfect end to a perfect date.
Something that came to my attention on this magnificent day was the choice we have to make the most of any experience in life. When we try new things and adventure out of our comfort zone, we can choose to either see everything that is wrong with the situation, or everything that is amazing and awesome. Pretty much goes for a lot of things in life. When we choose to see the blessings and wonder that exists, the opportunities for connection, for fun, and a whole universe of love and joy, open up to us. Our experience is enriched and we are nourished. Like anything it takes practice, though the more we practice gratitude and joy, the richer our life becomes.
I feel very honoured to share with you all a little about the super lovely Morgan, inspirational designer and creator of LOVEleigh designs. I feel so privileged to wear her divine clothing, knowing that each piece goes to supporting people in great need. Nothing better than wearing conscious clothing you love, knowing you are helping to change someone’s life. Pretty amazing hey. Here’s my interview with this phenomenal woman….
When and how did LOVEleigh begin?
LOVEleigh Designs officially began in June 2011, I was back in Canada for my best friends wedding and found I had quite a bit of time on my hands. Not wanting to work for someone else, and trying to fuse ideas of intertwining my passions, I ended up in a spontaneous trip to the fabric store where my mother and I scoured the shelves for hours and came out with a couple hundred meters of fabric. From then on, it was go time, and I haven’t stopped or looked back ever since. My mum had taught me how to sew when I was a young girl, but growing up with only a brother, I was always more interested in welding rails for snowboarding, working on my truck in mechanics, or building random things in woodwork. I could never have imagined I would end up in this world.
Eventually I started making my own clothes because I felt I couldn’t find anything ‘unique’ and ‘original.’ For years friends and strangers had asked me if I would make clothing for the public, which I was always very uninterested in doing. The push I got from my mother to go ahead and just ‘explore with an open mind and an open heart’ turned out to be a life changing one. After my 8 week stint in Canada sewing and selling, I decided that when I came back to Australia I would pack up my life in Sydney and head up the coast, for warmer waves, and a new lifestyle. After a short stint in Coffs Harbour, I found myself, barefoot and smiling in Byron Bay. That was over two years ago, and I am still here now (with a few adventure in between, of course!).
What are you most passionate about in life?
I definitely have a lot of passions, I think being a Scorpio, I am by nature, a very passionate person. Family and friends are of course my number one, I love to travel, explore, get in the ocean all day every day. I’m discovering though, from a very young age, I have been passionate about something that is very near and dear to my heart, and that is helping others. From my passion, has come compassion. Since I can remember, I couldn’t walk past a homeless person in the streets without emptying my pockets, or at least trying to put a smile on their faces. I used to barter with my Dad when I was really young to try and get my allowance early, only to spend it giving a few dollars here and there trying to help those a little less fortunate. I truly believe I have been so blessed into the life I’ve been born into. So I decided after traveling around South East Asia solo on my first big trip in 2007, that i needed to do more. I decided to go back to uni, but I was going to spice it up a little and move to Australia!
I studied my Masters in Human Rights at UNSW in Sydney and part way though my degree was fortunate enough to be selected for an amazing internship in Switzerland at the UN advocating for refugee rights. After graduating, I took a job running a water-based NGO in Malawi, Africa. I’d never been to Africa, and I’d never ran an entire NGO, so it was a huge leap, but I always try and step out of my comfort zone, so the next thing I knew three weeks later I was on a plane to Africa. Working in Malawi myself and my 11-man team of local villagers went around to 12 different villages and using grassroots initiatives helped the villagers build water pumps and toilets, while providing hygiene education to all. The experience was incredible, daunting, exhausting, liberating, and inspiring all in one breath. While I was there, I had a lot of time to reflect on my life, my company, and how I wanted my future to be. I kept having circulating ideas that I wanted to work for myself, doing something creative, I wanted to have fun and travel the world, and I wanted to make a difference in peoples lives. In that moment, my worlds collided, ethical fashion, it all made so much sense. That weekend I headed out to the local markets and started purchasing the most beautiful traditional Malawian fabric from the local women. I ended up coming home with about 60 lbs of fabric from my time working and exploring Africa. In purchasing my fabrics from the local women there, I was able to help them to provide for their families. Like that isn’t enough, I was also able to provide my customers with unique limited edition, sometimes one-of-a-kind garments, hand made, with a very hopeful story behind it.
I then met a little boy while I was there named Often (pronounced Orphan), whose family was having troubles paying for his school fees (primary school is free in Malawi, and secondary school you must pay for). After meeting with his headmaster, talking with his family and crunching some numbers, I was able to figure out a way to put him through school. Proceeds from select garments, made from the African fabrics would go towards putting Often through school for the year (and feed an house him!). I am happy to say I am putting him through school for a second year in a row all thanks to those LOVEleigh supporters out there!
What do you love the most about LOVEleigh?
What I love most about LOVEleigh, is probably easy to guess. I love that I can make a difference, little old me! I love that I get to help people that just need a little bit of love and care. I love that simply by sharing my story, others are inspired to help and spread the LOVE. I also love that my mother, who is the most incredible woman in the world, and talented beyond belief, has given me the skills to start LOVEleigh and is so proud of me. I love that my Dad, who is a man of his word, and has some seriously strong ethics, has taught me how to run an honest company, and grow organically. After my time in Africa, I promised myseIf to never forgot about the people I met, the things I accomplished and the lessons I learned. I promised to keep talking about global issues, to always be an advocate for those whose voices cannot be heard, and to always try and help whenever I can. I was lucky to be born into the life I have, so for the rest of my days I will try and make others lives as happy and filled with love as mine is :)
LOVEleigh has let me do all of this, and to everyone out there who has supported me, you are the reason this dream has come true for me, and indirectly, so many others!
What are your future dreams for LOVEleigh?
I am fortunate to travel a lot, I recently did a road trip through Mexico with my best friend in October and had the opportunity to meet some local women, and buy fabric from them. My dream is eventually to take the production of LOVEleigh Designs out of my own two hands and offshore, by starting a women’s collective (in this little magical town I spent some time in), in Mexico. Providing women with the skills to sew, and offer them affordable, safe housing, and courses in family planning, nutrition, women’s rights and small business management.
I would love to still spend 3 months of every year working on a project somewhere in the developing world. I believe strongly in education in all capacities, helping people to help themselves.
I hope LOVEleigh Designs will continue to inspire others to help each other and make the world a better place.
I am eternally grateful for beautiful souls like Morgan. For her caring, compassion, love, the action she takes, the empowering message she inspires in others, for sharing her skills and passions with us all. The world is richer and a more peaceful place with this divine earth angel sharing her passion and love.
This is the first post featuring the magnificent LOVEleigh designs. I have more in store coming soon!
“Everything you can imagine is real” ~ Pablo Picasso
This was one of the major highlights of my recent summer holiday adventures. I was so blessed to have my beautiful and talented big sister, Reija, from Studio R, photograph me for my blog. My dearest sister lives in Santa Cruz, and when we had the chance to meet up for a family reunion over Christmas, it was also a wonderful opportunity for us to create some magic together. We always have such fun when we shoot and I only wish we could do it more often. It was truly an honour for me, she’s immensely skilled with the camera, with a creative eye and soul to match.
Our family get together was in the gorgeous coastal holiday town of Mallacoota, in rural Victoria. This photoshoot was at a quiet and magical beach with boulders and caves and so much to explore. It was the perfect playground for us!
The styling in this shoot was inspired by my inner child’s dream world. I felt so blessed to wear this gorgeous IxiahXara Maxi dress, that I could totally see as a bridal gown for a beach style wedding. I paired this amazing dress with a breathtaking headpiece from Grace Bijoux. Channeling my inner boho princess, I was reminded of the empress from The Never-ending Story. This was actually the very first movie I ever watched on a video player! As a child I fantasised about entering the world of Fantasia and becoming the empress. I have been obsessing over her headpiece for years!!! And so it was, on this day, in these mystical surrounds, adorned in magnificent treasures, I was as close to Fantasia as I could have imagined. On every shoot I allow my imagination to wander, to drift as I become mesmerised by the energy around and within me. I’m taken over in a sense by all the beauty and I allow it to channel through me and out into the photos. The second style had a little more of a sophisticated, yet relaxed feel. My energy was more extroverted, more playful, as I leisurely strolled across the beach. I envisioned myself as a movie star, vacationing in the Hampton’s as I walked along the beach.. haha!! ;) As I climbed the boulder and looked out to sea, it was as though I was on top of the world. It was my everest for that moment where anything I imagined was within reach.
What fun it is to pretend and play make believe. No wonder kids are always smiling and laughing. I hope to still be playing dress ups even when I’m a great grandmother!
Let your imagination take you to whatever world or fantasy you have. Never squander or judge it. Allow it space to breathe as you allow the joy in your heart to open and the creative process can begin.
Her all encompassing wings expanding with each breath
Taking pause in those in between moments
Ever so slowly and mindfully contracting her wings
Each turn bringing forth a greater unfurling
One of my great passions, and quite the honour for me, is to share and wear consciously made clothing and jewellery. Handmade pieces, local, sustainable, eco friendly, anything made with heart that calls to my soul. I also really love supporting small businesses, that I hope will one day become bigger businesses. Lisa’s Closet is one of those amazing creators that endlessly inspires me with her artistic direction and connection to the divine. When I received my package I was just flawed. It arrived in the most amazing box with so many thought out details (pictures below). It was all just so wonderful, and then I opened the box to discover the most awe inspiring silk kimono and crochet shorts inside. The first thing I saw was the angel wings painted on the back. It seriously took my breath away. These wings are hand drawn, waxed, and painted in accordance with traditional batik practices…it truly is a labour of love.
This was by far one of my favourite photoshoots to date. Something about being on holidays, on an isolated beach, wearing luxurious and high vibrational clothing. The loving energy carried within these hand made garments opened our hearts, and brought out the playful side in both my husband and I. At one point, as I stood within the cave connected to the divine, it was as though I could feel the presence of Arch Angel Gabrielle. I slowed my breath, and each moment felt like an eternity. I watched in awe as water moved through the caves, in and out, and I pondered upon that lingering space between the peaks and the valleys…the in breath and the out breath. It was a moment of utter bliss. I was beaming for the entire day and it was as though we had both been touched by an angel. From our hearts a golden light shone ever so brightly outwards to the stars.
And since this is my first post of 2014 I want to wish you all a very Happy New Year! May you all discover the magnificence that resides within each of you….and feel such an abundance of love that it ovewhelms your heart with so much joy it could burst.
Embrace your weird, your unique ways, all the imperfect perfection that makes you who you are. You are all magnificent souls, one of a kind.
This has to be one of my favourite outfit posts, as I had the chance to wear a whole lot of one off pieces. My treasured elephant tee that I picked up from Crossroads Trading Co. on my last vintage shopping spree in Santa Cruz. My amazing worldly jewels from Child of Wild, with their history and stories. The beautiful one of a kind belt and clutch from Rossio Roos. I could stare at the intricate designs on these pieces forever. So much texture and colour, and patterns to inspire. Many of my rings were collected from flea markets and antique stores on my travels. I get such a kick out of stacking them all together to create something entirely new and unique each time I finish off an outfit.
It was a truly beautiful afternoon of changing light and changing moods. As the beach cooled and afternoon became evening, I layered my outfit with an awe inspiring kimono from Spell Designs. A favourite Byron bay based brand of mine, producing conscious clothing/jewelry with so much soul.
Here’s to having the courage to authentically and openly share who we are with the world, in whatever way, shape or form that may manifest. To allow ourselves to simply be, to replace judgement and fear with love and acceptance. Our experience of the world will surely blossom in the most beautiful of ways.