spell designs

New Light

January 2, 2015

Photography – Bobby Bense

Model/Styling – Helen Janneson Bense

Location – Pullman Resort, Bunker Bay, Western Australia

Outfit Details

Filagree Halterkini – Anna Kosturova

Solid gold Circle Ring + Triangle ring + Twist ringErnest & Joe

Starfish pendant + Arrow cuff + Ella Lace Ring + Nautica Coral Ring – Nicole Fendel Jewellery

Rings – Amarilo | Lexi & Roy | Five & Two

Belly chain – Grace Bijoux



Eco, vegan nail polish – Willow Byron Bay (Use discount code GYPSYLOVINLIGHT and checkout)

Hair – The Nest Boutique

There’s nothing quite like watching the sun rise for the first time on a new year! That radiant light just seems that little bit brighter and lighter and full of endless possibilities. As I felt the first light of 2015’s sun shine upon me I was completely overwhelmed with excitement for all that is to come. And simultaneously so content after an amazing night of belly laughs and connections with my dearest family and family. It was a wonderful moment of pure happiness.

I didn’t actually make any new year resolutions this year. I’ve spent each day of 2014 practicing the art of refining my lifestyle, my thoughts, questioning my beliefs and bringing more love and light to my being each and every day. As the sun rose I simply gave myself a metaphorical pat on the back, a heart felt thank you for taking better care of myself this year. I know I will only continue to expand my heart in 2015 and journey on this path of self love.

It’s been a wonderful year of fulfilling many of my dreams and watching it all unfold before me. I feel such immense gratitude for all the love and support I have received from my beautiful family, friends, work colleagues and cyber community. Thank you to all of my blog followers for the time you take to follow my journey and the beautiful messages you send me.

Here are some pictures from my recent turquoise adventures to Bunker Bay wearing some crochet favourites from the divine Anna Kosturova and Spell and the Gypsy Collective. And check out my 2014 highlights here on Flipagram.

With love and gratitude,

Helen xx

Slowing down

December 7, 2014

PhotographyBobby Bense

Model/StylingHelen Janneson Bense

Location – Sorrento beach, Western Australia


Outfit Details

Tee | Shorts | Shirt | Hat | Arrow Arm cuff | Necklace | Bracelets – Wanderlust + Co arrow | Avinas | Scarlet | Rings – Spell | Don Biu  (Turquoise statement, Turquoise Navajo, Turquosie star,  Stack rings)

Nails (Harmony) – Willow Byron bay – Use discount code GYPSYLOVINLIGHT at checkout (AUS ONLY)

Hair – The Nest Boutique


When everything around you encourages you to step up your pace, it’s more important than ever to remind yourself to move at your own pace. Stay grounded and focused on caring for yourself, by only doing what you can. And know that what you do…is always enough.  I feel so much peace wash over me simply when I say the words “I am enough”

I hope you all have a wonderful, peaceful ride as the holiday season inches closer. Be easy on yourself if you are already feeling burnt out. There is no need to be more than you are. Because you are already more than enough. You are everything!

With love and gratitude,

Helen xx


Unique YOU

October 9, 2014

“Knowing yourself as the awareness behind the voice is freedom” – Eckhart Tolle

An invigorating and super charged afternoon beach walk carrying the possibility of an impending storm (both outside and within) beautifully transformed into a a very clear and still moment of insight. Amidst the ocean winds and cool air I fell into a place of quiet sanctuary. I experienced a deepening of self, of love, an expansion of my heart. I felt the interconnectedness of all. I can’t explain why, only that when I am still amidst the ever changing elements I am transformed by the moment. Each adventure to the beach brings it’s own unique experience and I continue to give thanks to the ocean for it’s healing gifts.

My insight – There is nothing more beautiful to me than when we fully embrace who we are. To embrace, LOVE, celebrate and share our unique, quirky ways, our ups and downs, our strengths and vulnerabilities is not only inspiring but a gift to all. To love and accept all sides, all aspects, both yin and yang, that make us who we are. I am sometimes happy and sad, loving and fearful, courageous and scared…there is no shame in being human and feeling all these emotions. Embrace it all with love. This is what it is to be human. These emotions are rooted in the mind, in the thoughts, a place that is both who we are and not who we are. Here we own the key to our emotional freedom and to choose the life we want to live. We are all different, unique and amazing and at our core we are essentially the same. We are one. We are beautiful. We are all enough.

Make sure you check out Da-sh & Dol…an awesome spot I found for the girl looking for something a little different, a little unique, just like her.

Adorn yourself in all that reflects you, your soul style, your essence…adorn yourself in what you love! And above all – LOVE who you are, and feel the shift in your life as that love resonance draws all that is LOVE into your life.

With deep love and gratitude,

Helen xx

Photography – Bobby Bense

Model/Styling – Helen Janneson Bense

Location – Sorrento beach, Western Australia

Outfit Details

Cuff, Necklace, Anklets + ClutchDa-sh & Dol

Mandala Rings – The Fifth Element Life – USE DISCOUNT CODE ‘GYPSYLOVINLIGHT’ at checkout

Midi rings – Embella | Sunahara 

Lace Shorts

Halter Top



Copyright Helen Janneson Bense 2022

Abundant Sun

August 30, 2014

I’m slightly obsessed with the sun and I feel as though I really need to soak it up like it’s water, essential in super huge doses for my well being. It’s an instinct for me to follow the sun and be outdoors whenever it’s shining it’s beautiful bright light. During the winter I simply can’t get enough. Lucky I live in the sunny state of Perth, where the sun greets us so often. I’m so energised by it’s healing rays. When I’m at the beach basking in it’s glory, it’s as though time stands still, and there is an abundant source of warmth, light and energy refuelling my body and soul.

It’s only one more day now and I’ll be visiting the beautiful Bali for some serious replenishment and sunshine. I’m beyond excited and grateful for this well timed, much needed trip into bliss. Stay tuned and keep your eyes peeled on my Insta for some very cool Bali posts coming over the next couple of weeks.

Lots of love and gratitude,

Helen xx


PhotographerBobby Bense

Model/StylingHelen Janneson Bense

Location – Sorrento Beach, Western Australia


Outfit Details

Abundant sun necklace + Desert Light KimonoMyee Carlyle

Spell bralette – Lexi & Roy

Turquoise bracelet – Embella

Turquoise cuff – Eastern Soul

Rings – Lush Jewelry | Embella | Sunahara | The fifth element life mandala ring (Connection) USE discount code GYPSYLOVINLIGHT at checkout

Shorts (similar)



Dream Catcher

August 27, 2014

Bare feet on the sand, wind in my hair, salt on my lips, dancing upon the edge of the ocean as the sun beams it’s glorious rays upon my skin. This is the magical setting that ignites my dreams and makes anything possible in my reality.

If you are feeling a little low and in need of a pick me up, find yourself some natural inspiration in your surrounds. Clarity and peace will come, and allow yourself the space and time to immerse yourself in it. Revel in the beauty that is all around you, and that is you. From this centred, nurturing space your passions and spirit will fire up. Now is the time to dream big and run wild along the earth as you plant the seeds of manifestation.

We are all powerful beyond measure. We all have the ability to create abundant and love filled lives for ourselves. Take some time to slow down, centre yourself, dream and acknowledge you are the creator of your life.

With love and gratitude,

Helen xx

PhotographyBobby Bense

Model/StylingHelen Janneson Bense

Location – Sorrento beach, Western Australia

Outfit Details

Ohm ring + cuffOhm Boho

Hendrix Maxi Dress – Kivari

Guinea Feather Dream catcher – Lexi & Roy

Karnataka Necklace + Flash TattoosChild of Wild

Rings – Minc collections | Free People | Sunahara | Spell | Eastern Soul | Vintage (similar)

SCFXLUVAJ belt – Free People


Dancing in the Light

August 25, 2014

“The dance between darkness and light will always remain – the stars and the moon will always need the darkness to be seen, the darkness will just not be worth having without the moon and the stars.”  C. Joybell. C

Some days the ocean and sand sparkle like the stars in the night sky and remind me that everywhere I look I can see the beautiful balance of nature. The sparkling light of the stars against the black of night, the sun shining through the deep abyss, illuminating our path. Sometimes I have to look harder, especially when the dark veil is heavy. Though it’s in these times, when I can see the sparkling light, I always know, without a doubt, that there is a way home to the heart.

Always remember that no matter what the conditions of your life are right now, there is always something to be thankful for, a sparkling light, a glimmer of hope, something wonderful amongst all the pain and turmoil. The more we focus on the beauty and the light, the brighter it becomes, and your reality will reflect that.

This beautiful sunset I danced upon the starry sands in gratitude for all that I have. The air in my lungs, the gravity that holds me to this earth, the cherished love in my life and each heartbeat that fills me with love. Life is magnificent!

With love and gratitude,

Helen xx

PhotographerBobby Bense

Model/StylingHelen Janneson Bense

Location – Sorrento beach, Western Australia

Outfit Details

Lace Dress


Flash Tattoos + Ethiopian Cross NecklaceChild of Wild

Rings (Athena + Nani + Luna midi + Luna + Strong midi + Shield + Bracelet/Cuff Aloha Gaia

Rings – Seawolf | Free People



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