
Unique YOU

October 9, 2014

“Knowing yourself as the awareness behind the voice is freedom” – Eckhart Tolle

An invigorating and super charged afternoon beach walk carrying the possibility of an impending storm (both outside and within) beautifully transformed into a a very clear and still moment of insight. Amidst the ocean winds and cool air I fell into a place of quiet sanctuary. I experienced a deepening of self, of love, an expansion of my heart. I felt the interconnectedness of all. I can’t explain why, only that when I am still amidst the ever changing elements I am transformed by the moment. Each adventure to the beach brings it’s own unique experience and I continue to give thanks to the ocean for it’s healing gifts.

My insight – There is nothing more beautiful to me than when we fully embrace who we are. To embrace, LOVE, celebrate and share our unique, quirky ways, our ups and downs, our strengths and vulnerabilities is not only inspiring but a gift to all. To love and accept all sides, all aspects, both yin and yang, that make us who we are. I am sometimes happy and sad, loving and fearful, courageous and scared…there is no shame in being human and feeling all these emotions. Embrace it all with love. This is what it is to be human. These emotions are rooted in the mind, in the thoughts, a place that is both who we are and not who we are. Here we own the key to our emotional freedom and to choose the life we want to live. We are all different, unique and amazing and at our core we are essentially the same. We are one. We are beautiful. We are all enough.

Make sure you check out Da-sh & Dol…an awesome spot I found for the girl looking for something a little different, a little unique, just like her.

Adorn yourself in all that reflects you, your soul style, your essence…adorn yourself in what you love! And above all – LOVE who you are, and feel the shift in your life as that love resonance draws all that is LOVE into your life.

With deep love and gratitude,

Helen xx

Photography – Bobby Bense

Model/Styling – Helen Janneson Bense

Location – Sorrento beach, Western Australia

Outfit Details

Cuff, Necklace, Anklets + ClutchDa-sh & Dol

Mandala Rings – The Fifth Element Life – USE DISCOUNT CODE ‘GYPSYLOVINLIGHT’ at checkout

Midi rings – Embella | Sunahara 

Lace Shorts

Halter Top



Copyright Helen Janneson Bense 2022


October 4, 2014

“The greatest thing in the world is to know how to belong to oneself.” – Michel de Montaigne

As much as I love to be around people and their inspiring energies, I also deeply yearn for solitude….And perhaps it’s in part my Finnish heritage, though I think it’s more than that….it’s that time I get to refuel, to simply be and go deeper within, to reflect and create and imagine from a place of complete stillness.

These photos were taken on a quiet still morning in Bali at the magical Kubu beach at Ayana Resort. There wasn’t a soul in sight as I walked along the beach allowing my connection to the earth to centre and rejuvenate my being. I feel so thankful to know myself, to understand with love and compassion the needs I have, and to take action to care for them. Every single act of self love builds my energy stores and sets my vibration soaring to a place where only complete wellness can exist. For those suffering from illness of any sort, I urge you to step out in nature, somewhere peaceful, somewhere still, where it’s just you and the elements. Allow this space and experience to refuel your being and bring healing to every cell in your body.

With love and gratitude,

Helen xx


PhotographyBobby Bense

Model/StylingHelen Janneson Bense

Location – Kubu Beach, Ayana Resort, Bali


Outfit Details

Skirt + Top + Necklace + Handpiece + HatFree People

Bag – Lokoa

Rings + CuffEmbella

Resonance of Love

September 8, 2014

“There is nothing more rare, nor more beautiful, than a woman being unapologetically herself; comfortable in her perfect imperfection. To me, that is the true essence of beauty.” Steve Maraboli

“Imperfections are not inadequacies; they are reminders that we’re all in this together.” Brene Brown

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” Marianne Williamson

“The more of me I be, the clearer I can see” Rachel Archelaus

Absolutely love these quotes from these divine intuitives. When I really need it most I draw upon daily inspiration by reading quotes from the above and my favourites like Rumi, Thich Nhat Hanh and Eckhart Tolle, and watching youtube videos and TED talks that inspire me and remind me of who I am. They bring me back to my heart space and that high resonance of love. This is where I want to be, and where I’m truly me.

Here are some of my all time favourite videos that bring me clarity and insight when I need it most and always make me feel wonderful –

Brene Brown The power of vulnerablity

Byron Katie The war with what is

Jill Bolte Taylor Stroke of Light

I hope this little inspiration post and sharing of my some of my favourites resonates with some of you and brings peace and love to your days.

With love and gratitude,

Helen xx

PhotographyBobby Bense

Model/StylingHelen Janneson Bense

Location – Sorrento beach, Western Australia

Outfit Details

Soraya Maxi – Amilita

Large Quartz Crystal ring –  Kokopilli

Necklaces – Lola Pepper boutique | Chinta cafe | Myee Carlyle

Rings – Free People | Aloha Gaia | Ernest & Joe | Ichu Jewellery

Bracelets – Embella Jewellery



Abundant Sun

August 30, 2014

I’m slightly obsessed with the sun and I feel as though I really need to soak it up like it’s water, essential in super huge doses for my well being. It’s an instinct for me to follow the sun and be outdoors whenever it’s shining it’s beautiful bright light. During the winter I simply can’t get enough. Lucky I live in the sunny state of Perth, where the sun greets us so often. I’m so energised by it’s healing rays. When I’m at the beach basking in it’s glory, it’s as though time stands still, and there is an abundant source of warmth, light and energy refuelling my body and soul.

It’s only one more day now and I’ll be visiting the beautiful Bali for some serious replenishment and sunshine. I’m beyond excited and grateful for this well timed, much needed trip into bliss. Stay tuned and keep your eyes peeled on my Insta for some very cool Bali posts coming over the next couple of weeks.

Lots of love and gratitude,

Helen xx


PhotographerBobby Bense

Model/StylingHelen Janneson Bense

Location – Sorrento Beach, Western Australia


Outfit Details

Abundant sun necklace + Desert Light KimonoMyee Carlyle

Spell bralette – Lexi & Roy

Turquoise bracelet – Embella

Turquoise cuff – Eastern Soul

Rings – Lush Jewelry | Embella | Sunahara | The fifth element life mandala ring (Connection) USE discount code GYPSYLOVINLIGHT at checkout

Shorts (similar)



Tribal Vibes

August 30, 2014

Loving the tribal vibes of this festival inspired outfit. Dripping in suede and fringe and cultural gems with a tonne of silver. This Lokoa poncho is just insanely soft and divine. I can’t get enough of it. It fits to perfection and I think it’s a definite must have wardrobe item for all those wild tribal boho goddesses out there. Throw in some flash tattoos and tribal jewels from the ever awesome Child of Wild and you’ve got yourself the look.

Feeling blessed that each day I have the chance to explore different styles and aspects of myself. This is my art. And I believe that as we dress each day we have the chance to create something magical, something enlivening, that represents the magnificence that we are.

With love and gratitude,

Helen xx

PhotographyBobby Bense

Model/StylingHelen Janneson Bense

Location – Waterman’s Bay, Western Australia

Outfit Details

Suede Poncho – Lokoa

Flash tattoos + Samsara Goddess Belt + Shiquan River Indian necklaceChild of Wild

Dania Halter Top – Free People


Rings – Hilltribe Sun ring | Lunar Sea Leaf stamped ring + Divinity ring | Global Princess | Eastern Soul | Embella midi ring

Gypsy Bell Bangles – Lunarsea

Dream Catcher

August 27, 2014

Bare feet on the sand, wind in my hair, salt on my lips, dancing upon the edge of the ocean as the sun beams it’s glorious rays upon my skin. This is the magical setting that ignites my dreams and makes anything possible in my reality.

If you are feeling a little low and in need of a pick me up, find yourself some natural inspiration in your surrounds. Clarity and peace will come, and allow yourself the space and time to immerse yourself in it. Revel in the beauty that is all around you, and that is you. From this centred, nurturing space your passions and spirit will fire up. Now is the time to dream big and run wild along the earth as you plant the seeds of manifestation.

We are all powerful beyond measure. We all have the ability to create abundant and love filled lives for ourselves. Take some time to slow down, centre yourself, dream and acknowledge you are the creator of your life.

With love and gratitude,

Helen xx

PhotographyBobby Bense

Model/StylingHelen Janneson Bense

Location – Sorrento beach, Western Australia

Outfit Details

Ohm ring + cuffOhm Boho

Hendrix Maxi Dress – Kivari

Guinea Feather Dream catcher – Lexi & Roy

Karnataka Necklace + Flash TattoosChild of Wild

Rings – Minc collections | Free People | Sunahara | Spell | Eastern Soul | Vintage (similar)

SCFXLUVAJ belt – Free People


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